dontwakeme's avatar


6 Watchers6 Deviations
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (2)
My Bio
Current Residence: Virginia
MP3 player of choice: Winamp

Favourite Visual Artist
Antonio Canova
Favourite Movies
Edward Scissorhands, Rocky I, Event Horizon
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Writers
Ray Bradbury
Tools of the Trade
Other Interests
Tall grasses in July.
I just joined the Kiss Club and it requests to put their icon in a journal entry. This is actually my first journal entry on Deviant. I don't really feel like posting for a sole purpose so I think I might ramble a little. Tomorrow I do not have to go to school until 11:30. I have a Political Science exam. I dissaprove of most forms of government, and by this I do not mean I disapprove of government. I prefer more government to less, as it is. Today no mail came. Since October I have been expecting to recieve news of my acceptance at UMW but nothing ever comes. This makes me sad and anxious. I am tired of girls talking about prom at school
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Profile Comments 6

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You have such cute dolls, congrats on the editors choice for Rosalie!
yes, I'm with the phamtastic one... join OW forums! I'm really enjoying your sets ^.^
You should join the otakuworld forums! [link]

I'm jasonphamtastico there, obviously.

Hi! You have a kiss doll in your gallery I see. Meybe you'd like to join <- the DA Kiss fans community?
Hi, :wave:

Welcome to deviantART- I'm Kristy- Your automated tour guide.
Add me and I might add you back.
As the "Queen of Feminists" I run the website It's by invite only, so if you want to join you have to ask.
so if you want to join you have to ask.
so if you w1nt to join You have to ask.
so if you error to join y12 have to a-2sk934o Syntax. <error cond = "ECMAScript_Expression". count = "integer". />.
wa432 to joi3 Error=80040200
a43k. 10.4 Client Error 4xx.
welcome! hope to see you around ^.^